dead like

word count: 528. finished on: January 9, 2022

authors note: the formatting once again is a little fucked up

We’re sitting in the front seats

                                of my dad’s SUV

                                        Seats leaned back and seat belt         off.

Your                 lips,                 hot                and                 wet,

                leave a warm, sticky trail across my lips

                                                                        and down to my


You latch on,                         suck

and for a second I think,         hope,                 even  

that you’ll draw                 blood.

It’d certainly be the most interesting thing

                                        to happen this                 evening.

   Your stupid, shitty music is playing on the radio

Some boy whining about how his girlfriend won’t let him                 fuck her        (ironic really)

“My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me,

                                                        So won’t you kill me, so I die happy?”

And your lips keep                 sucking                 and all I can

Think about is the voice,         

playing loud and whiny,         

that’s ringing in my ears.

I                 want                 this                 to                 be                 over,

I wish I’d never left my house,         

wish I

                                                never broke the rules for you.

I’m pushing at your shoulders,         I want this to just stop

And you do.

And you sound just like the guy on the radio,

“Baby, I love you, c’mon don’t be like that.”

You press forward again and I want to                 dig my nails                 into

your skin,

Want to see the         blood                 bubble                 and                 drip.

I keep pushing instead.

The wind rushes.

                Something slams down on top of the roof.

                                                                It caves in.

Blood splatters                 everywhere,

across my face and down your body.

And for a second I think I did it.

God,                 I                 wish                 I                 did                 it.

But I turn to see what you’re staring at

and I’m face to face with some dude

and he looks really fucking dead.

I scream.

                I scream like I’ve wanted to all night,

                                                pure                 terror,                anger,                agony,

All those         ‘teenage girl’                 emotions,                 finally released.

I scream until my chest aches,

                                                        and I keep screaming still.

You cover your ears,

                                Look embarrassed.

                                        I         wish                 I                 did                 it.

I wish it was your blood I was covered in,                         your pale face staring back.

The         dude         is         dead         and         I         wish         it         was         you.

Tears running down my face,

                                messing up the makeup I put on just for you.

My mouth tastes of salt and pennies.

                                        I hope I don’t get                 HIV.

I don’t know when I stopped screaming.

I fumble the car door open

                                        and manage to get out.

                                                                Two doors slam shut behind me.

The cold                 chills me to the bone,                 my teeth clattering

                                                                        so hard it’s the only thing I


For a second I pretend I’m the slasher in                 my own horror movie,

                                                                                Carrie after she killed

the assholes.

I stand outside the car,         clothes,         hair,         face,         soaked with         blood and         tears

and                 mascara,         my         hair         ratted                 and         sticky.

                                I pretend it’s your blood I’m covered in,

pretend I finally got the guts to go through with it,

        I stare off into the distance,         a deer caught in the                 headlights of my         make-believe spotlight.

Your hand suddenly rests on my shoulder.

                                        I’m brought back to reality.

                                I see your                 semi-concerned                 face

and         want         to         throw                 up.

You smile.

                Your hand reaches up,
                                        presses into the hickey I wish I didn’t let you give me,

I                 wish                 I                 fucking                 did                 it.


Until I figure out the whole .php thing, I'm going to use this walloftext as a make-shift comments section for this poem!